
Redovni profesor
Prof. dr Zoran Marković

Biografija Prof. dr Zorana Markovića

Ime i prezime: Zoran Marković

E mail:
Telefon/faks: + 381 11 316 8499
Telefon: + 381 11 2615 315 lok. 290
Mob. tel. + 381 63 840 1993

Jezici: engleski


1987. - Diplomirani biolog, Prirodno matematički fakultet, Univerziteta u Beogradu

1992. - Magistar bioloških nauka, Biološki fakultet, Univerziteta u Beogradu

1997. - Doktor bioloških nauka, Biološki fakultet, Univerziteta u Beogradu

Profesionalna karijera:

1996–1998. - Asistent, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd

1998–2003. - Docent, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd

2003–2008. - Vanredni profesor, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd

2008. - Redovni profesor, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd

Rad u nastavi:

1998. - Nastavnik na redovnim, master, specijalističkim i doktorskim studijama iz oblasti ribarstva, akvakulture i hidrobiologije (na 17 predmeta), Univerziteta u Beogradu, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta,

1998–2004. - Nastavnik predmeta Osnovi hidrobiologije i Hidroekologija i zaštita kopnenih voda na redovnim studijama Univerziteta u Beogradu, Biološkog fakulteta,.

1998–2004. - Nastavnik (teoretska nastava) predmeta Hidrobiologija na poslediplomskim studijama Univerziteta u Beogradu, Biološkog fakulteta.

2001–2003. - Nastavnik (voditelj kursa) na poslediplomskim studijama iz predmeta “Ekološki pristup u poljoprivredi”Alternativne akademsko obrazovne mreže u Beogradu - u okviru programa Životna sredina - izazov nauci tehnologiji i društvu.

2004-2005. - Nastavnik na poslediplomskim studijama iz predmeta Hidrobiologija u Centru za multidisciplinarne studije u Beogradu i Poljoprivrednom fakultetu u Banja Luci.

2005. – Nastavnik na doktorskim studijama iz predmeta Primenjana hidrobiologija - Akvakultura na PMF-u Univerziteta u Kragujevcu.

2015. – Nastavnik na osnovnim studijama iz predmeta Tehnologija proizvodnje i prerade ribe – Fakultet za prehrambenu tehnologiju, bezbjednost hrane i ekologiju, Univerziteta Donja Gorica, Podgorica – Crna Gora

Oblasti istraživanja:

Ribarstvo, Akvakultura, Hidrobiologija, Hidroekologija

Učešće na projektima finansiranim od strane Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije:

1. Pesticidi i životna sredina (12 M01, 1999. – 2001.) – učesnik

2. Nekonvencionalna animalna proizvodnja (BTR. 5. 05. 0541. B., 2002 – 2004). – učesnik

3. Unapređenje tehnologije ishrane šarana (Cyprinus caprio Linn.) i kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss Wal.) u održivoj akvakulturi (TR. 006903, 2005-2008) - rukovodilac

4. Unapređenje poluintenzivne proizvodnje šarana (Cyprinus carpio) u održivoj akvakulturi (TR 20047, 2008- 2010) – rukovodilac

5. Unapređenje proizvodnih kapaciteta šarana (Cyprinus carpio L) programima ishrane i selekcije (TR31075, 2010-2015) – rukovodilac ([][/url])


Učešće na međunarodnim projektima:

1. Establishment of cooperation in the field of Agriculture and Fisheries – project between Faculty of agriculture, University of Belgrade and Aquaforsk, Institute of Aquaculture Research, As Norvey (2001. – 2004.) – učesnik

2. Project accepted under the 6th Framework Programme (JNCO calls for Waster Balkan countries) Water Resources Strategies and Drought Alleviations in Western Balkan Agriculture (2005. – 2007.) – učesnik

3. Scientific cooperation between Serbia and Norway concerning planning and establishing a genetic improvement programme for carp in Serbia, and to transfer knowledge within genetics and selective breeding- project between Faculty of agriculture, University of Belgrade and Aquaforsk, Institute of Aquaculture Research, As Norvey (2005. – 2007.) – koordinator za Srbiju.

4. Support to the Fishery Sector in Serbia and Montenegro, Europen Agency for Recontruction (No. 05MON02 01 003, 2007 – 2008) - lokalni ekspert

5. Project accepted under the 7th Framework Programme (RECPOT – 2007 – 3), Reinforcement of Sustanable Aquaculture (2008-2011) – koordinator projekta. ([][/url])

6. Project accepted under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1), Advancing research in agricultural and food sciences at Faculty of agriculture University of Belgrade (2013 -2016) – tim lider ([][/url])

Ostali relevantni podaci

Autor dve monografije, dva udžbenika, četiri stručne knjige, preko 200 radova u međunarodnim i domaćim časopisima, kao i saopštenih na međunarodnim i naučnim skupovima u zemlji štampani u zbornicima radova i apstrakata (;[/url]). Recenzent u domaćim i međunarodnim časopisima, kao i naučnih projekata koje finansira ministarstvo nadležno za nauku RS. Bio je predsednik organizacionog i načnog odbora 6 međunarodnih konferencija i urednik 5 zbornika sa međunarodnih konferencija iz oblasti ribarstva ([][/url]). Projektovao (tehnološki deo projekta) preko 20 ribnjaka u Srbiji i BiH. Bio angažovan od jedne do tri godine na programima unapređenja proizvodnje na 8 ribnjaka u Srbiji i Hrvatskoj. Osnivač i lider Centra za ribarstvo i primenjenu hidrobiologiju „Mali Dunav“ Oglednog dobra Radmilovac Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu ([] Bio mentor 5 doktorskih disertacija, 3 magistarske teze, 3 specijalistička rada i preko 30 diplomskih radova na Poljoprivrednom i Biološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Zamenik je predsednika Grupacije za ribarsvo pri Privrednoj komori Srbije. Šef je tima glavne odgajivačke organizacije iz akvakulture za Republiku Srbiju. Član je European Aquaculture Society i član Odbora Srpske akademije nauka za proučavanje faune Srbije.

Bibliografija radova –Prof. dr Zorana Markovića

1. Marković, Z., Janković, M. (1988), Kvalitet vode reke Djetinje pod uticajem otpadnih voda Titovog Užica, IV Kongres Ekologa Jugoslavije. Aneks Knjige plenarnih referata i izvoda saopštenja, Ohrid: 14.

2. Marković, Z. i Janković, M. (1989), Saprobiološka proučavanja reke Djetinje u rejonu Titovog Užica, Ekologija, Vol. 24: 35 - 48.

3. Jakovčev, D. i Marković, Z. (1989), Oligohetna fauna reke Djetinje, III Simpozijum o fauni SR Srbije, Knjiga uvodnih referata i izvoda saopštenja, Beograd: 24.

4. Marković, Z. i Janković, M. (1989), Fauna Ephemeroptera reke Djetinje, III Simpozijum o fauni SR Srbije, Knjiga uvodnih referata i rezimea. Beograd: 29.

5. Vasiljević, M. i Marković, Z (1990), Ispitivanje prisustva teških metala u reci Djetinji na potezu Vruci - Požega. Voda i sanitarna tehnika, Vol. 20, No 1: 61 - 64.

6. Djukić, N., Maletin, S., Miljanović, B., Marković, Z. (1992), Kvalitet vode i distribucija Oligochaeta u reci Djetinji, Zaštita voda, Subotica: 152 - 155.

7. Marković, Z. (1995). Reka Djetinja, makrozoobentos u oceni kvaliteta vode, Ministarstvo za zaštitu životne sredine Republike Srbije, Ekološki fond, Užice, 1 – 131

8. Marković, Z. i Miljanović, B. (1995), Makrozoobentos Kriveljske reke, Naša ekološka istina, III Naučno stručni skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti životne sredine, Borsko jezero: 221 - 225.

9. Stanković, S., Marković, Z., Miljanović, B., Bobić, M. (1995), Ekološki pokazatelji kvaliteta vode Borske reke: I mikrobiološki pokazatelji; II makrozoobentos, III Zooplankton.Preventive Engineering and Living anvironment, International conference, Scientific meeting, Niš: A 12 - 1, A 12 - 3.

10. Mitrović Tutundžić, V., Hristić, Dj., Marković, Z. (1996), Ribarsko korišćenje vodoprivrednih objekata i drugih antropogenih voda, Vodoprivreda, 28: 227 - 232.

11. Marković Z., Mitrović - Tutundžić V., Savić I., Randjelović N., (1996), Analiza prelaska izvorske u faunu potoka na primeru vrela reke Banje, V Kongres ekologa Jugoslavije, Zbornik sažetaka,Beograd: 25.

12. Marković, Z., Mitrović Tutundžić, V., Miljanović, B. (1996), Uticaj zagadjenja na promenu diverziteta i strukture naselja makrozoobentosa reke Obnice, V Kongres ekologa Jugoslavije, Zbornik sažetaka. Beograd 24.

13. Marković Z., Mitrović-Tutundžić, V. i Miljanović. B.(1997), Effect of pollution on the macrozoobenthos diversity and structure in the river Obnica, Ekologija, 32, 37-46.

14. Marković, Z., Mitrović-Tutunžić, V., Savić, I. i Randjelović, N.(1997), Analysis of spring to stream fauna transition by example of the river Banja source. Ekologija, 32, 57-63.

15. Marković, Z., Miljanović, B., Mitrović - Tutundžić, V. (1997), Saprobiološka ocena kvaliteta vode reke Banje na osnovu makrozoobentosa kao bioindikatora, Konferencija o aktuelnim problemima zaštite voda Zaštita voda, Sombor: 350- 355.

16. Marković, Z., Mitrović - Tutundžić, V., Miljanović, B., (1997), Fauna dna Mikuljskog vrela, Naša ekološka istina, V Naučno stručni skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti životne sredine, Zbornik radova, Donji Milanovac: 299 - 303.

17. Marković, Z., Miljanović, B., Mitrović - Tutundžić, V. (1997), Saprobiološka ocena kvaliteta vode reke Banje na osnovu makrozoobentosa kao bioindikatora, Konferencija o aktuelnim problemima zaštite voda Zaštita voda, Sombor: 350- 355.

18. Marković, Z., Mitrović - Tutundžić, V., Miljanović, B., (1997), Fauna dna Mikuljskog vrela, Naša ekološka istina, V Naučno stručni skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti životne sredine, Zbornik radova, Donji Milanovac: 299 - 303.

19. Marković, Z. (1998). Izvori brdsko planinskog regiona Srbije, ekološka studija makrozoobentosa, Biološki fakultet, Beograd, 1 – 318.

20. Marković, Z., Mitrović-Tutundžić, Vera, Stanković Mirjana (1998), Značaj prirodne hrane u poluintenziv-noj proizvodnji šarana, Savremena poljoprivreda, Vol. 48, br. 1-2: 199 - 204.

21. Marković, Z. and Mitrović-Tutundžić, V. (1998), Secundary production of zooplankton and bottom fauna in the cyprinid farm Dubica at Banatska Dubica. Ichthyologia, Vol 30, No 1.

22. Marković, Z. (1998), Fauna Plecoptera izvora i izvorišta Borskog područja, Naša Ekološka istina, VI Naučno stručni skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti životne sredine, Zbornik radova, Negotin: 189 - 192.

23. Marković, Z., Mitrović - Tutundžić, V. (1998), Ugroženost, mogućnost zaštite i revitalizacije izvora kao specifičnih biotopa, Naša Ekološka istina, VI Naučno stručni skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti životne sredine, Zbornik radova, Negotin: 189 - 192.

24. Marković, Z., Miljanović, B., Mitrović - Tutundžić, V. (1998), Makrozoobentos kao pokazatelj kvaliteta vode reke Jablanice, 27. Godišnja konferencija Jugoslovenskog društva za zaštitu voda Zaštita voda ‘98, Kotor.

25. Marković, Z., Mitrović - Tutundžić, V. (1998), Fauna dna vrela Sušice, 27. Godišnja konferencija Jugoslovenskog društva za zaštitu voda Zaštita voda ‘98, Kotor.

26. Marković, Z. and Mitrović-Tutunžić, V. (1999): Dynamics of zooplankton and bottom fauna production on the Sveti Nikola cyprinid fish farm at Neuzina during the 1999 rearing season. Ichthyologia, Vol. 31, No. 1, 21 - 36.

27. Poleksić, V., Vlahović, M., Mitrović-Tutundžić, V. and Marković, Z. (1999): Effects of environmental conditions on gill morphology of carp from the Dubica farm during the 1998 rearing season. Ichthyologia, Vol. 31, No. 1, 43 - 52.

28. Živić, I., Marković, Z. and Brajković, M. (1999). A contribution to the knowledge of Odonata (Odonata, Insecta) larvae of the Pusta Reka River. Acta Entom. Serb. Vol 4. No. 1/2, 1 - 11.

29. Marković, Z. i Mitrović-Tutundžić, V. (1999), Značaj izvora i mogućnosti njihovog korišćenja u Srbiji, VII Naučno-stručni skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti životne sredine: Naša ekološka istina, Zaječar, 1999 Zbornik radova.

30. Marković, Z. i Mitrović-Tutundžić, V. (1999), Diverzitet makrozoobentosa izvora i izvorišta Dubašnice, VII Naučno-stručni skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti životne sredine: Naša ekološka istina, Zaječar, 1999.

31. Strahinjić, I., Marković, Z., Brajković, M. (1999), Prilog poznavanju faune Trichoptera (Insecta) Puste reke, VII Naučno-stručni skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti životne sredine: Naša ekološka istina, Zaječar, 1999 Zbornik radova, 190 – 194.

32. Mitrović Tutunžić, V. Marković, Z. (1999). Aquaculture and Suistainable Development, International Workshop Informations and Technology Transfer on Renewable Energy Sources for Sustainable Agriculture, Food Chain and HFA ’99.čtodorom/tutorials/rad13.html.

33. Strahinjić, I. Marković, Z., Brajković, M. (1999), Prilog poznavanju larvi Odonata Puste reke, Simpozijum entomologa Srbije 99, Entomološko društvo Srbije, Goč, Zbornik rezimea, 19.

34. Marković, Z. Mitrović-Tutundžić, V. (2000): Semi intensive systems – possibilities of successful and profitable production of carp in Serbia. Monografija Savremeno Ribarstvo Jugoslavije, Savez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara Jugoslavije, DOO Ribarstvo Jugoslavije, Faculty of agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of agriculture, University of Beograd, Vršac: 31 – 48 (in serbian).

35. Marković, Z., V. Mitrović-Tutundžić, i Z. Dulić-Stojanović (2000). Uticaj prirodne hrane na prirast riba u poluintenzivnoj proizvodnji šarana. Monografija Savremeno Ribarstvo Jugoslavije. Savez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara Jugoslavije, DOO Ribarstvo Jugoslavije, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad; Poljoprivredni fakultet, Zemun - Beograd, 49-53.

36. Djordjević, N., Grubić, G., Marković, Z. (2000): Korišćenje riblje silaže u ishrani karnivornih riba. Monografija Savremeno Ribarstvo Jugoslavije. Savez poljoprivrednih inženjera i tehničara Jugoslavije, DOO Ribarstvo Jugoslavije, Faculty of agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of agriculture, University of Beograd, Vršac: 67 – 74 (in serbian).

37. Marković, Z., Mitrović-Tutundžić, V., Vasiljević, M. (2000): Effect of abiotic and biotic factors on fish growth in semiintensive fish production. Ichthyologia, Vol. 32, No. 1, 31 - 38.

38. Mitrović-Tutundžić, V. Dulić-Stojanović, Z., Marković, Z. (2000): Qualitative and quantitative zooplankton composition in three rearing ponds of the Sv. Nikola fish farm in the year 2000. Ichthyologia, Vol. 32, No. 1. 39 - 48.

39. Mitrović-Tutundžić, V. i Marković, Z. (2000): Rearing fish in warm water fish farms, Ecologica, No 25, 1, 30 – 33.

40. Živić, I., Marković, Z. i Brajković, M. (2000): The change of the structure of macrozoobenthos in the Jelenački stream under the influence of pollution. Ekologija. Vol. 35. No. 2. 105 – 114.

41. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Brajković, M. (2000): A contribution to the Study of the Trichoptera (Insecta) fauna in the Toplica River, Acta entomologica Serbica, 2000, 5 (1/2): 35 – 46.

42. Živić I., Marković, Z. and Brajković, M. (2000). Secondary production the macrozoobenthos of the Pusta Reka River. Annul proceedings of the Yugoslav society for water protection, 175-180.

43. Marković, Z., Mitrović-Tutundžić V. (2000), Sekundarna produkcija zooplanktona i faune dna Savskog jezera. Godišnjak Jugoslovenskog društva za zaštitu voda, 251 - 256.

44. Živić, I., Marković, Z. and Brajković, M. (2001). Saprobiological investigations on the Pusta Reka River using macrozoobenthos as bioindicator. Protection of nature, No. 52, vol. 2, 51-60.

45. Živić, I., Marković, Z. and Brajković, M. (2001). Bottom fauna of the Kudoški stream. Protection of nature, No. 53, vol. 1, 79-87.

46. Marković, Z. Poleksić, V., Dulić-Stojanović, Z., Ljubić, B. (2001). Possibilities of alternative types of aquaculture in the Serbia region. Ichthyologia, Vol. 33. No. 1, 1-10.

47. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Brajković, M. (2001): Macrozoobenthos in the Pusta reka, Left tributary of the South Morava River. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 53 (3 – 4), 109 – 122.

48. Marković, Z. Hegediš, A., Mitrović – Tutundžić, V., Dulić Stojanović, Z (2001): Secondary Production of Zooplankton, Macrozoobenthos and Fish Stock Assesment in the Reservoir Lake “Zlatibor“ in Zlatibor Mountain. Ichthyologia, Vol. 33, No. 1. 69 – 75.

49. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Brajković, M. (2001): A contribution to the study of the Trichoptera fauna in Serbia over the period 1980 – 2001. Arch. Biol. Sci. Belgrade, 54 (1-2), 15P – 16P.

50. Živić, I., Marković, Z. and Brajković, M. (2001). Contribution to the knowledge of qualitative composition of macrozoobenthos and quality of water of the Crvena Reka river. Annul proceedings of the Yugoslav society for water protection, 175-182.

51. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Karaman, B. and Brajković, M. (2001). Comparative analysis of secondary productions of macrozoobenthos of the three Fruška Gora streams. Scientific meeting “Zasavica 2001”. Book of abstracts, 32-38.

52. Miljanović, B., Maletin, S., Djukić, N., Marković, Z. Teodorović, I, Ivanc, A., Živić, N (2001): Biodiversity of water organisms watershed of river Šumanka, IV Ekološka istina, naučno stručni-skup o prirodnim vrednostima i zaštiti životne sredine, zbornik radova, 320 – 324.

53. Miljanović, B., Maletin, S., Djukić, N., Pujin, V., Marković, Z. Ivanc, A., Teodorović, I, Živić, N (2001): Application of bioindicators in estimating water quality in hydrosystem “Šumanka”, Godišnja konferencija Jugoslovenskog društva za zaštitu voda Zaštita voda 2001 , zbornik radova, 243 - 248.

54. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Karaman, B. i Brajković, M. (2001). Comparative analysis of secondary productions of macrozoobenthos of the three Fruška Gora streams. Scientific meeting “Zasavica 2001”, book of abstracts, 16pp.

55. Jeremić, Svetlana., Poleksić, Vesna, Marković, Z. (2001). Effects of abiotic and biotic environmental factors on health status of fish in cyprinid fish farms. Prvi Kongres veterinara Republike Srpske. Banja Luka, oktobar 2001. Zbornika kratkih sadržaja, p.133.

56. Živić, I., Marković, Z. i Brajković, M. (2001). A contribution to the study of the Trichoptera (Insecta) fauna in the Toplica River. Symposium of entomologists of Serbia, book of abstracts, 25-26pp.

57. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Brajković, M. (2002): Macrozoobenthos of three brooks in the Souther part of the Pannonian depression: comparative analysis of secondary production. Tiscia, Hungary, 33, 37 - 44.

58. Marković, Z., Poleksić, Vesna, Dulić-Stojanović, Zorka. (2002). Integral breeding of rainbow trout with californian earthworm. Biotehnologija u stočarstvu, Vol. 18 (5 - 6), 315-320, 2002

59. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Brajković, M. (2002): Dynamics and distribution of macrozoobenthos in the toplica river, a tributary of the Kolubara. Arch. Biol. Sci. Belgrade, 54 (1-2), 19 – 27.

60. Poleksić, V., Dulić Stojanović, Z & Marković, Z. (2002). Gill structure of carp fingerlings from Baranda fish farm, Ichthyologia, Vol. 34. No. 1, 11-21.

61. Živić, I., Marković, Z. i Brajković, M. (2002). Fauna of aquatic invertebrates in some springs on the Mt. Stara planina. Book of abstracts “Naša ekološka istina”, 46-48.

62. Ilić, J. Živić, I., Marković, Z. (2002). Macrozoobenthos as an indicator of the water quality of the Temska, Toplodolska and Visočica rivers. Annul proceedings of the Yugoslav society for water protection, 255-262.

63. Živić, I., Marković, Z i Brajković, M. (2002): Saprobiological Evaluation of the Quality of Water in the Toplica River, the Right Tributary of the Kolubara River (Yugoslavia). International association for Danube Research of the international association of theorethical and applied limnology. Limnological Reports, Vol. 34, Proceedings of the 34 th Conference in Tulcea, Romania, 2002, 575 – 582.

64. Živić, I., Marković, Z i Brajković, M. (2002): Faunistical composition of the macrozoobenthos of the Toplica river, the right tributary of the Kolubara river (Yugoslavia), 9th International congress on the zoogeography and ecology of Greece and adjacent regions. Thessaloniki, Hellenic zoological society and National centre for marine research, Book of abstracts, 171 pp.

65. Marković, Z., Mitrović-Tutundžić, Vera, Dulić-Stojanović, Zorka, Poleksić, Vesna. 2002. Possibilities of integral production of warmwater fish species with other types of agricultural production. Zbornik izvoda, V simpozijum o ribarstvu, 2002.

66. Poleksić, V., Bogojević, J., Marković, Z, Dulić Stojanović, Z. (2003), Zoologija, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd, 1 – 432.

67. Marković, Z., Mitrović – Tutundžić, V. (2003) Gajenje riba, Zadužbina Andrejević, Beograd 1 – 137.

68. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Brajković, M. (2003): First check list of Serbian Trichoptera. Folia historico-naturalia musei matraensis, Zagreb, Croatia, 269 - 277.

69. Marković, Z., Živić, I. (2003). Fauna of Ephemeroptera in the running waters of West Serbia. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade 54, 3-4, 117 – 124.

70. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Brajković, M. (2003). A contribution to the diversity of the larvae Trichoptera in the Južna Morava river basin. Arch. Biol. Sci. Belgrade, 55 (3-4), 33 p – 34 p.

71. Marković, Z., Mitrović-Tutundžić, V., Dulić Stojanović, Z., Krstić, B. (2003) Dinamics of zooplankton and bottom fauna secondary production during rearin of carp yearlings. Ichthyologia, Vol. 35. No. 1, 11-21.

72. Rudić, D., Marković, Z. Mihailović, P. (2003) Principles of salmonid and cyprinid fish farms design and construction, Seminar “Pastrmsko i šaransko ribarstvo”, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd, Akvaforsk, Institute of aquaculture research, As Norway, 20 – 30.

73. Marković, Z. (2003) Carp feeding in semi intensive system of fish culture, Seminar “Pastrmsko i šaransko ribarstvo”, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd, Akvaforsk Institute of aquaculture research, As Norway, 44 – 50.

74. Živić, I., Marković, Z. i Brajković, M. (2003). Diversity of the larvae Trichoptera in the Južna Morava river basin. Symposium of entomologists of Serbia, book of abstracts, 58pp.

75. Živić I., Marković, Z. and Brajković, M. (2003). Impact of waste-waters from mind “Lece” on diversity of macrozoobenthos in the Gazdarska reka River, right-hand tributary of the Jablanica reka River. 2nd Congress of ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, Ohrid 25-29 october 2003, Abstract book, 102 pp.

76. Živić I., Marković, Z. and Brajković, M. (2003). The change of the qualitative and quantitative composition of macrozoobenthos in the Borkovacki brook under the influence of pollution. 2nd Congress of ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, Ohrid 25-29 october 2003, book of abstscts, 102-103 pp.

77. Živić I., Marković, Z. (2004). The effect of trout pond on water quality in the recipient. Limnological reports, volume 35, Proceedings 35 th IAD Conference, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, 2004. International association for Danube research of the international association for theoretical and applied limnology, Limnological Reports, 389 – 395.

78. Poleksić, Vesna, Marković, Z., Dulić Stojanović, Z., Vasiljević, M. (2004): Gill histology of fish from Zlatibor reservoir lake. Proceedings of the 35th IAD Conference, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, Limnological reports Vol. 35, 361-367.

79. Živić I., Marković, Z. and Brajković, M. (2004). Impact of waste-waters from mind “Lece” on diversity of macrozoobenthos in the Gazdarska reka River, right-hand tributary of the Jablanica reka River. Proceedings 2nd Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, 247-251.

80. Živić I., Marković, Z. and Brajković, M. (2004). The change of the qualitative and quantitative composition of macrozoobenthos in the Borkovački brook under the influence of pollution. Proceedings 2nd Congress of ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with International Participation, 252-256.

81. Marković, Z., Dulić Stojanović, Z., Poleksić, V. (2004): Semiintensive carp (Cyprinus carpio, L) production – Type of sustainable fishery. International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and European Integration Processes. Novi Sad, September, 2004. p 37.

82. Marković, Z., Mitrović – Tutundžić, V., Poleksić, V., Dulić Stojanović, Z. (2004): Trout farms in Serbia, problems and solutions. VI Simpozijum o ribarstvu Srbije i Crne Gore, Tara, Novembar 2004, Zbornik izvoda, 19 -20.

83. Marković, Z. (2005). Ko je ko u ribarstvu u Srbiji, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd

84. Marković, Z., Dulić Stojanović, Z., Poleksić, V. (2005): Semiintensive carp (Cyprinus carpio, L) production – Type of sustainable fishery. Savremena poljoprivreda. Vol. 54, 1-2 (2005) str. 38-41, International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and European Integration Processes. Novi Sad.

85. Živić, I., Marković, Z. and Ilić, J. (2005). Composition, structure and temporary dynamics of macrozoobenthos in the Temska and Visočica rivers. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 57 (2), 107-118.

86. Marković, Z. Mitrović – Tutundžić, V. (2005). Problems and perspectives of agriculture development in Serbia. II International conference “Fishery”, Institute of animal breeding, Faculty of agriculture, Belgrade – Zemun and “Akvaforsk” institute of aquaculture research, As, Norway, February, 10 – 12. 2005, Conference proceedings 26 - 32.

87. Marković, Z. Mitrović – Tutundžić, V., Jeremić, S., Poleksić, V. Dulić Stojanović, Z., Živić, I., Stanković, M., Vasiljević, M.: (2005). Monitoring of water quality, biological characteristics of fish farm ecosystems and fish health – basis for successful production of carp in semiintensive system. II International conference “Fishery”, Institute of animal breeding, Faculty of agriculture, Belgrade – Zemun and “Akvaforsk” institute of aquaculture research, As, Norway, February, 10 – 12. 2005. Conference proceedings 33 – 41.

88. Mihailović, P., Marković, Z., Rudić, D. (2005). Disigning trout fish farms. II International conference “Fishery”, Institute of animal breeding, Faculty of agriculture, Belgrade – Zemun and “Akvaforsk” institute of aquaculture research, As, Norway, February, 10 – 12. 2005. Conference proceedings 97 – 107.

89. Marković, Z. Poleksić V. (2005). Aquaculture in Serbia and Montenegro. FAO/NACEE Expert Meeting on the Regional Review of Aquaculture Development Trends in Central and Eastern Europe, Astrakhan, Russia, September 2005.

90. Živić I., Marković, Z. and Brajković, M. (2005).Nove vrste Trichoptera (Insecta) za faunu Srbije. Simpozijum entomologa Srbije 2005 sa međunarodnim učešćem. Bajina Bašta 25 – 29, 2005; Zbornik plenarnih referata i rezimea, 21.

91. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Brajković, M. (2006). Influence of the temperature regime on the composition of the macrozoobenthos community in a thermal brook in Serbia. Biologia, Bratislava, 61/2: 179-191, 2006

92. Dulić, Z., Mitović-Tutundžić, V., Marković, Z., Živić, I (2006). Monitoring water quality using zooplankton organisms as bioindicators at the Dubica fish farm, Serbia. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 58 (4), 245-248.

93. Dulić, Z., Mitović-Tutundžić, V., Marković, Z., Živić, I. (2006). Ocena kvaliteta vode na osnovu zooplanktonskih organizama kao indikatora u šaranskom ribnjaku “Sveti Nikola” u toku proizvodne sezone. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandy, Vol. 22. Special issue, 329-337.

94. Marković, Z., Poleksić, V., Dulić, Z. (2006): Optimalna koncentracija kiseonika u vodi pastrmskih ribnjaka-preduslov dobre proizvodnje. Biotechnology in animal husbandry, Vol 22, Special issue. 103-112

95. Ćuk, D., Marković, Z., Grubić, G. (2006). Uticaj različitog sadržaja masti u dve smeše koncentrata na prirast kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) u kaveznom sistemu gajenja. . Biotechnology in animal husbandry, Vol 22, Special issue. 351-358.

96. Poleksić, V., Savić, N., Rašković, B., Marković, Z. (2006). Uticaj različitih tipova riblje hrane na histološku građu creva i jetre pastrmki u kaveznom sistemu gajenja. Biotechnology in animal husbandry, Vol 22, Special issue. 359-372

97. Marković, Z., Živić, I., Stanković, M., Spasić, M., Jovanović, B. (2006). Effects of light on growth of carp (Cyprinus carpio). Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 58 (4), 43P-44P.

98. Ivana Živić and Z. Marković (2006) First finding of larvae of Chaoborus crystallinus (Diptera, Chaoboridae) in Serbia, Arch. Biol. Sci. (2006), 58(3): 23P

99. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Brajković, M. (2006). Contribution to the faunistical list of Trichoptera (Insecta) of Serbia. Acta entomologica Slovenica, Vol. 14, st. 1: 55 – 68.

100. Zarić, V. / Z. Marković (2006): Konkurentnosti ribe i hrane za ribe proizvedene u Srbiji. HRVATSKI znanstveni simpozij agronoma (41; 2006 ; Opatija) Zbornik radova : Proceedings / 41. hrvatski i 1. međunarodni znanstveni simpozij agronoma, Opatija, 13.-17. veljače Str. 107-108.

101. Markovic, Z., Dulic, Z., Poleksic, V. Živić, I., Stanković, M (2006): Biological characteristics of two small aquatic ecosystems – uncovered wells on the Experimental School Estate of the Faculty of Agriculture University of Belgrade. Conference on Water Observation and informatio system for decision support, Balwois, 2006, 23 – 26 May, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, CD - A 237.

102. Živić, I. and Marković, Z. (2006). Saprobiological analysis of water of the southern Morava River (a secondorder tributary of the Danube in Serbia) on the basis of Macrozoobenthos as a bioindicator. Proceedings 36th International Conference of IAD. Austrian Committee DanubeResearch/IAD, Vienna, 301-306.

103. Marković, Z., Poleksić, V. (2007). Ribarstvo u Srbiji (Fishery in Serbia). Prof. dr Zoran Marković, Beograd, 1-239.

104. Poleksic, V., Dulic, Z. Markovic, Z., Lakic, N. And Raskovic, B. (2007). Fish gills morphology as indicator of water quality – study of two small aquatic ecosystems. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A,146, Abstracts from the Annual Main SEB Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland. S185.

105. Zivic, I., and Markovic, Z. (2007): Distribution of the species Gammarus balcanicus and Gammarus fossarum on the territory of Serbia (central part of the Balkan peninsula). Crustaceana 80 (1): 67-76.

106. Zivic, I., Protic, Lj., Markovic, Z. (2007): Southernmost finding in Europe of Aphelocherus aestivalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aphelocheiridae). Zootaxa 1496: 63 – 68.

107. Marković, Z., Poleksić, V., Mitrović-Tutundžić, V. (2007): Aquaculture in Serbia. III International conference «Fishery». Faculty of Agriculture. Conference Proceedings. 35-40. (in Serbian).

108. Marković, Z., Grubić, G., Poleksić, V., Jeremić, S., Stanković M., Živić, I., Dulić, Z., Spasić, M., Rašković, B. (2007). Mogućnosti zamene ribljeg brašna, kao osnovnog izvora proteina, proizvodima od soje u kompletnim hranivima u ishrani mlađi šarana. Conference proceedings III International conference “Fishery”, Institute of animal science, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun and “Akvaforsk” Institute of aquaculture research, As, Norway, Belgrade-Zemun, 126-130.

109. Dulić, Z., Marković, Z., Mitović-Tutundžić, V., Lakić, N.(2007). Uticaj zooplanktona na prirast dvogodišnje mlađi šarana. III Međunarodna konferencija “Ribarstvo“ 1 – 3 februara 2007, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, str.118-126.

110. Poleksić, V., Rašković, B. Marković, Z., Dulić, Z., Stanković M., Živić, I., Lakić, N. (2007). Effects of different dietary protein sources on intestine and liver morphology of carp yearlings. Proceedings 3rd Serbian Congress for Microscopy, September 25-28 2007, Belgrade Serbia, 237-238.

111. Poleksic, V., Raskovic, B., Dulic, Z., Markovic, Z., and Lakic, N. (2007). Fish gills morphology as indicator of water quality – study of two small aquatic ecosystems. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A,146, Abstracts from the Annual Main SEB Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland. S185. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2007.01.405

112. Grubić, G., Stojanović, B., Đorđević, N., Marković, Z., Stanković, M. (2007). Ispitivanje svarljivosti u ishrani riba. . Conference proceedings III International conference “Fishery”, Institute of animal science, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun and “Akvaforsk” Institute of aquaculture research, As, Norway, Belgrade-Zemun, 46-50.

113. Mihailović, P. i Marković, Z. (2007). Projektovanje kaveznih sistema za gajenje riba. Conference proceedings III International conference “Fishery”, Institute of animal science, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun and “Akvaforsk” Institute of aquaculture research, As, Norway, Belgrade-Zemun, 317-324.

114. Dulić, Z., Kljujev, I., Raičević, Vera., Živić, I., Marković, Z., Stanković, M., Poleksić, V. (2008). Estimation of irrigation water quality using coliform bacteria, zooplankton and zoobenthos as indicators. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 60 (1), 11P-12P.

115. Marković, Z., Poleksić, V., Dulić, Z, Spasić, M., Stanković, M., Rašković, B., Živić, I. Ćirić, M. (2008). Uspostavljanje programa selekcije šarana (Cyprinus carpio, L., 1758) u Srbiji. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, Vol 24. Special issue, 293 – 297.

116. Dulić Z., Marković, Z.., Krstić B., Мitrović - Tutundžić, V., Lakić, N. (2008) Uticaj različitih gustina nasada jednomesečne mlađi na proizvodne rezultate jednogodišnje mlađi šarana (Cyprinus carpio). Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, Vol 24, Special issue. 651-662.

117. Savić, N., Marković, Z., Rašković, B., Poleksic, V. (2008): Uticaj različitih tipova hraniva na proizvodne rezultate kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum,1792) u kaveznom sistemu gajenja. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 24, Special issue, p.285-292.

118. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Brajković, M. (2008). Macrozoobenthos of some springs and brooks in the Fruška Gora Mountain. In: Invertebrates (Invertebrata) of the Fruška Gora Mountain (ed. Šimić, S), pp. 19-55. Matica Srpska, Odeljenje za prirodne nauke, Novi Sad.

119. FAO. © 2008-2009. National Aquaculture Sector Overview. Serbia. Text by Markovic, Z.; Poleksic, V. In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department [online]. Rome. Updated 1 June 2008.

120. Živić, I., Marković, Z., Simić, V., Kučinić, M. (2009). New records of Helicopsyche bacescui (Trichoptera, Helicopsychidae) from the Balkan Peninsula with notes on its habitat. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (1), 77–87.

121. Marković, Z., Dulić, Z., Živić, I., Mitrović-Tutundžić, V. (2009). Influence of abiotic and biotic environmental factors on weight gain of cultured carp on a carp farm. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 61 (1), 113-121. (

122. Ivana Zivić, Zoran Marković Zdenka Filipovi -Rojka and Miroslav Zivić
(2009). Influence of a Trout Farm on Water Quality and Macrozoobenthos Communities of the Receiving Stream (Trešnjica River, Serbia), International Review of Hydrobiology 94, 6, 673-687 (

123. Z. Dulić, V. Poleksić, B. Rašković, N. Lakić, Z. Marković, I. Živić, M. Stanković (2009): Assessment of the water quality of aquatic resources using biological methods. Desalination and Water Treatmant, 11, 264-274 pp. (

124. Nebojša Savić, Dragan Mikavica, Zoran Marković, Dragutin Matarugić (2009): Uticaj temperature vode i energetske vrijednosti hraniva na rast mase dužičaste pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792) gajene u kavezima (Influence of Water Temperture and Energy Values of Nutrients on Mass Growth of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792) Grown i Cages), Agroznanje (Agro-knowlwdge Journal), University of Banjaluka, Faculty of Agriculture, vol. 10., br. 4, 93-106.

125. Marković Z., Poleksić V. (2009). Unapredjenje održive akvakulture – Projekat »Rosa«. IV Medjunarodna konferencija Ribarstvo, Institut za zootehniku, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, Institut Nofima – Marin, Norveška i Institut Haki, Mađarska, Maj 27-29., Beograd, Zbornik predavanja, 15 – 21. (

126. Marković Z., Poleksić Vesna, Živić Ivana, Stanković M., Ćuk, D., Spasić M., Dulić Zorka, Rašković, B., Ćirić, M., Bošković, D., Vukojević, D. (2009). Stanje ribarstva u Srbiji. IV Medjunarodna konferencija Ribarstvo, Institut za zootehniku, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, Institut Nofima – Marin, Norveška i Institut Haki, Mađarska, Maj 27-29., Beograd, Zbornik predavanja, 30 - 38. (

127. Savić N., Mikavica D., Marković Z., Matarugić D., Ćuk D., (2009). Uticaj hraniva na dužinski rast dužičaste pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792). Gajene u kavezima. IV Medjunarodna konferencija Ribarstvo, Institut za zootehniku, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, Institut Nofima – Marin, Norveška i Institut Haki, Mađarska, Maj 27-29., Beograd, Zbornik predavanja, 85 – 96 (

128. Spasić, M., Marković, Z., Kolstad, K., Poleksić, V., Stanković, M., Živić, I., Dulić, Z. and Rašković, B. (2009). Possibilities of improvement of production traits of the carp (Cyprinus carpio) by selective breeding. IV International Conference «Fishery», 27-29 May 2009. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. Conference proceedings. 126-130. (

129. Rašković, B., Savić N., Marković Z., Poleksić Vesna (2009). Histologija jetre i variranje površine jedara hepatocita pastrmke gajene u kaveznom sistemu. IV Medjunarodna konferencija Ribarstvo, Institut za zootehniku, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, Institut Nofima – Marin, Norveška i Institut Haki, Mađarska, Maj 27-29., Beograd, Zbornik predavanja, 96 -104 (

130. Stanković M., Grubić G., Sorensen Mette, Marković Z. (2009). Potrebe u proteinima u ishrani mlađi šarana. IV Medjunarodna konferencija Ribarstvo, Institut za zootehniku, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, Institut Nofima – Marin, Norveška i Institut Haki, Mađarska, Maj 27-29., Beograd, Zbornik predavanja, 397 – 400

131. Zoran Marković, Vesna Poleksić i Marko Stanković (2009). Stanje akvakulture u Srbiji, 3. Medjunarodno savjetovanje o slatkovodnom ribarstvu, Uzgoj slatkovodne ribe, stanje i perspektive , ribarstvo u otvorenim vodama. Vukovar, Zbornik apstrakta, 17.

132. Zoran Marković (2009). Kavezno gajenje šarana. 3. Medjunarodno savjetovanje o slatkovodnom ribarstvu, Uzgoj slatkovodne ribe, stanje i perspektive , ribarstvo u otvorenim vodama. Vukovar, Zbornik apstrakta, 18.

133. Marković Z, Poleksić V., Dulic Z., Stankovic M. (2009) Carp production intensification in traditional semiintensive culture systems by application of extruded feed and selected fish fry. Aquaculture Europe 09, August 14-17, 2009, Trondheim, Norway, Abstracts 498 – 499.

134. Hristov S., R. Relic, V. Poleksic, and Z. Markovic (2009). Establishment of fish stress within the Center for fishery and applied hydrobiology at the Faculty of agriculture University of Belgrade. Aquaculture Europe 09, August 14-17, 2009, Trondheim, Norway, Abstracts, 269 – 270.

135. Raskovic B., Stankovic M., Dulic Z., Markovic Z., Lakic N. and Poleksic V. (2009). Effects of different source and level of protein in feed mixtures on liver and intestine histology of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus, 1758). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, Volume 153, Issue 2, Supplement 1, Abstracts of the Annual Main Meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology, 28th June - 1st July, Glasgow, UK, S112 DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2009.04.163

136. Poleksic, V., Raskovic, B., Dulic, Z., Markovic, Z., and Lakic, N. (2007). Fish gills morphology as indicator of water quality – study of two small aquatic ecosystems. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A,146, Abstracts from the Annual Main SEB Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland. S185. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2007.01.405

137. Marković, Z. (2010) Šaran, Gajenje u ribnjacima i kaveznim sistemima. Prof. dr Zoran Marković, 1 - 152.

138. Stanković, M., Marković, Z., Dulić, Z., Rašković, B., Živić, I., Lakić, N. (2010). Effect of feeding dynamics on carp growth rate – preliminary results. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Agricultural Academy, 16 (No3) 317 – 321.

139. Marković, Z., Poleksić, V., Kolstad, K., Sorensen, M., Jeney, Z., Jeney, G., Rašković, B., Zorka, D., Stanković, M., Spasić, M. (2010): Projekat ”Rosa”, podrška unapređenju tehnologije gajenja šarana. I Međunarodni simpozijum ribarstva i ribolovnog turizma ”BH-FISH 2010”. 23. – 24. jun 2010. godine, Centar za ribarstvo ”Neretva” Konjic, Boračko jezero, Bosna i Hercegovina. Zbornik radova, str. 151 – 155.

140. Spasić, M., Poleksić, V., Stanković, M., Dulić, Z., Rašković, B., Živić, I., Vukojević, D., Bošković, D., Ćirić, M., Relić, R., Marković, Z. (2010): Selekcija familija - program unapređenja proizvodnih osobina kod šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.) u Srbiji. i Međunarodni simpozijum ribarstva i ribolovnog turizma ”BH-FISH 2010”. 23. – 24. jun 2010. godine, Centar za ribarstvo ”Neretva” Konjic, Boračko jezero, Bosna i Hercegovina. Zbornik radova,str. 157 – 164.

141. Marković, Z., Stanković, M., Dulić, Z., Spasić, M., Rašković, B., Živić, I., Poleksić, V. (2010): Šaran – kako unaprediti proizvodnju i stvoriti osnov za profitabilnost. i Međunarodni simpozijum ribarstva i ribolovnog turizma ”BH-FISH 2010”. 23. – 24. jun 2010. godine, Centar za ribarstvo ”Neretva” Konjic, Boračko jezero, Bosna i Hercegovina. Zbornik radova, str. 165 – 171.

142. Relić, R., Hristov, S., Poleksić, V., Bošković, D., Ćirić, M., Spasić, M., Vukojević, D., Stanković, M., Marković, Z. (2010): Kvalitet vode u recirkularnom sistemu i dobrobit šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.). I Međunarodni simpozijum ribarstva i ribolovnog turizma ”BH-FISH 2010”. 23. – 24. jun 2010. godine, Centar za ribarstvo ”Neretva” Konjic, Boračko jezero, Bosna i Hercegovina. Zbornik radova, str. 189 – 197.

143. Katarina Bjelanovic, Dalibor Stojanović, Jelena Djuknić, Zoran Marković, Ivana Živić (2010). Macrozoobenthos investigation in springs and streams of Mountain Avala (Belgrade, Serbia), Conference on water observation and information system for decision support BALWOIS 2010, Abstracts, Volume II, 25-29 May, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia

144. Ćirić M., Marković Z., Dulić Z. and Subakov – Simić G. (2010). First report of cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii from carp ponds in Serbia. The 8th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria (ICTC8), Istanbul, Turkiye, Abstract book, ID 154.

145. Z. Markovic, M. Stankovic, Z.Dulic, B.Raskovic, M.Spasic, V.Poleksic (2010). Upgrading Serbian carp aquaculture. Aquaculture 2010, Global Conference. Farming the Waters for People and Food, 22 – 25 September 2010, Phuket, Thailand, FAO, NACA, Conference handbook, Poster Abstracts, 124 – 125.

146. Spasic, M., Markovic, Z., Kolstad, K., Poleksic, V., Stankovic, M., Zivic, I., Dulic, Z., Raskovic, B., Ciric, M. (2010): Selective breeding of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Serbia. Second NACEE Conference of Young Researchers, 30–31 August 2010, Szarvas, Hungary, Conference proceedings, Poster Abstract, 53–54.

147. Dulić, Z., Subakov-Simić, G., Ćirić, M., Relić, R., Lakić, N., Stanković, M., Marković Z. (2010): Water quality in semi-intensive carp production system using three different feeds. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Agricultural Academy, 16 (No3) 266 - 274.

148. Markovic, Z., Stankovic, M., Dulic, Z., Zivic, I., Spasic, M., Raskovic, B., Poleksic, V. (2010): Proper feeding methodology for carp–prerequisit of successful semiintesive production. VI Savjetovanje o slatkovodnom ribarstvu Republike Hrvatske s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem “Hrvatsko ribarstvo – kako i kuda dalje” , Vukovar, Hrvatska, Zbornik radova, 11–12. (M64)

149. Markovic, Z., Poleksic, V., Kolstad, K., Sorensen, M., Jeney, Z., Jeney, G., Raskovic, B., Dulic, Z., Stankovic, Z., Stankovic, M., Spasic, M. (2010): EU project „ROSA“–Reinforcement of sustainable aquaculture. VI Savjetovanje o slatkovodnom ribarstvu Republike Hrvatske s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem “Hrvatsko ribarstvo – kako i kuda dalje” , Vukovar, Hrvatska, Zbornik radova 21–23. (M64)

150. Relic, R., Hristov, S., Poleksic, V., Dulic, Z., Spasic, M., Ciric, M., Stankovic, M., Boskovic, D., Vukojevic, D., Raskovic, B., Markovic, Z. (2010): Dobrobit šarana u recirkulirajućim sustavima: iskustva Centra za ribarstvo i primjenjenu hidrobiologiju Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. VI Savjetovanje o slatkovodnom ribarstvu Republike Hrvatske s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem “Hrvatsko ribarstvo – kako i kuda dalje” , Vukovar, Hrvatska, Zbornik radova, 29 – 35. (M63)

151. Markovic, Z., Poleksic, V., and Raskovic, B. (2010): ROSA - Reinforcement of sustainable aquaculture. European Week of Innovative Regions WIRE 2010. Poster No.10, 15-17 March 2010, Granada, Spain (M34)

152. Spasić, M., Poleksić, V., Stanković, M., Dulić, Z., Rašković, B., Živić, I., Ćirić, M., Relić, R., Vukojević, D., Bošković, D., Marković, Z. (2010): Program selektivnog uzgoja šarana (Cyprinus carpio L.) u Srbiji – Preliminarni rezultati. Zbornik. Poljoprivredni fakultet Beograd, Institut za Zootehniku. XIX Inovacije u stočarstvu, Simpozijum sa Međunarodnim učešćem, str 18. (M64)

153. Rašković, B., Stanković, M., Marković, Z., Poleksić, V. (2010): Histološke metode u proceni efekata hrane na creva i jetru riba. Zbornik. Poljoprivredni fakultet Beograd, XIX Inovacije u stočarstvu, Simpozijum sa Međunarodnim učešćem, str 20. (M64)

154. Relić, R., Hristov, S., Vučinić, M., Poleksić, V., Marković, Z. (2010): Principi procene dobrobiti riba u farmskim uslovima gajenja. Zbornik. Poljoprivredni fakultet Beograd, XIX Inovacije u stočarstvu, Simpozijum sa Međunarodnim učešćem, str 21. (M64)

155. Mirjana Lenhardt, Goran Markovic, Aleksandar Hegedis, Stevan Maletin, Miroslav Cirkovic, Zoran Markovic (2011) Non-native and translocated fish species in Serbia and their impact on the native ichthyofauna, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 21: 407–421. (

156. Marković Zoran, Poleksić Vesna (2011). Akvakultura i Ribarstvo u Srbiji (Aquaculture and Fishery in Serbia). Prof. dr Zoran Marković, 1 – 289.

157. Rašković B., Stanković M., Marković Z., Poleksić V. (2011) Histological methods in the assessment of different feed effects on liver and intestine of fish. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 56: 87-100.

158. Stanković, M., Dulić, Z., Marković, Z. (2011). Protein sources and their significance in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) nutrition. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 56, No. 1, 75 – 86.

159. Marković, Z., Stanković, M., Dulić, Z., Živić, I., Rašković, B., Spasić, M., Poleksić, V (2011). Aquaculture and fishery in Serbia-status and potentials. Conference proceedings V International conference “Aquaculture & Fishery, Institute of animal science Faculty of Agriculture University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 1 – 3. 2011, Belgrade Serbia, 36-40. ISBN 978-86-7834-119-9(

160. Marković, Z., Dulić, Z., Stanković, M., Rašković, B., Spasić, M., Živić, I., Poleksić, V. (2011). Slatkovodna akvakultura u funkciji razvoja (poljo)privrede i ruralnih područija. Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Poljoprivredni Fakultet. Zbornik sažetaka XVI Međunarodno naučno-stručno savjetovanje agronoma Republike Srpske, “Prirodni resursi u funkciji razvoja poljoprivrede i ruralnog područja”, Trebinje 22- 25. mart 2011. Str 32

161. Živić I., Trbović D., Živić M., Bjelanović K., Stanković M., Vukojević D., Marković Z. (2011). Chironomus plumosus (Diptera, Insecta) larvae as a source of essential fatty acids in feed of carp fry. V International Conference “Aquaculture & Fishery” Conference Proceedings. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 1 – 3. 2011, Belgrade Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7834-119-9, p 497-503. (

162. Marković Z., Stanković M., Dulić Z., Živić I., Rašković B., Spasić M., Poleksić V. (2011). Aquaculture and fishery in Serbia - status and potentials. Fifth International Conference “Aquaculture & Fishery” Conference Proceedings. Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia, p 36-40. (

163. Stanković, M., Grubišić, M., Poleksić, V., Vukojević, D., Lakić, N., Relić, R., Marković, Z. (2011). Effects of feed quantity on the growth rate of carp juveniles reared in tanks. V International Conference “Aquaculture & Fishery” Conference Proceedings. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 1 – 3. 2011, Belgrade Serbia, ISBN 978-86-7834-119-9, p 504-510. (

164. Relic, R., Ciric, M., Vucinic, M., Radenkovic-Damnjanovic, Poleksic, V., Markovic, Z. (2011). Assessment of the risk level for carp welfare based on the water quality in RAS. Bulletin UASVM. Veterinary Medicine 68 „Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture“, 29th September-1st October 2011. Vol. 68(1)/2011, 8-14. ISSN 1843-5270, Academic Pres (EAP), Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Plenary paper

165. Živić, I., Matijević, J., Ćirković, J., Bjelanović, K., Fužinato, S., Marković, Z. (2011). Saprobiological analysis of water of the Nišava River (first order tributary of the Southern Morava River) in South-Eastern Serbia on the basis of macrozoobenthos as a bioindicator. Proceedings of the 3rd Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference, Sibiu, Romania 2011, 81 pp.

166. Trbović, D., Živić, I., Spasić, M., Spirić, D., Đinović-Stojanović, J., Spirić, A., Marković, Z. (2011). The influence of fish feed production technology on fatty acid profile in carp. Aquaculture Europe 2011, Rhodos, Greece, October 18-21. Book of Abstracts (CD-ROM), 1103-1104.

167. Marković, Z., Stanković, M., Živković, D., Poleksić, V. (2011). Šaran – riba korišćena za ishranu europskog stanovništva u prošlosti ili šansa za razvoj slatkovodnog ribarstva u budućnosti. Zbornik sažetaka VII Međunarodni gospodarsko – znanstveni skup o ribarstvu, “Hrvatsko ribarstvo na pragu EU, riba kao funkcionalna hrana”., str. 5

168. Stanković, M., Dulić, Z., Rašković, B., Poleksić, V., Marković, Z. (2011). Komparativna analiza rasta šarana kod uzgoja u tankovima uporabom peletirane i ekstrudirane hrane. Zbornik sažetaka VII Međunarodni gospodarsko – znanstveni skup o ribarstvu, “Hrvatsko ribarstvo na pragu EU, riba kao funkcionalna hrana”, str. 6.

169. Živić, I., Bjelanović, K., Simić, V., Marković, Z. (2011). Promene granice areala Thremma anomalum (Trichoptera, Uenoide) i novi podaci o ekologiji vrste. Simpozijum entomologa Srbije 2011 sa međunarodnim učešćem, Donji Milanovac 21-25 septembar 2011, Zbornik plenarnih referata i rezimea, 28 pp. Entomološko društvo Srbije.

170. Marković, Z., Spirić, A., Trbović, D., Živić, I., Stanković, M., Bjelanović, K., Poleksić, V. (2012). Improvement of carp meat quality as a response to modern consumer’s demand. I International Symposium and XVII Scientific Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska. Faculty of Agriculture, Banja Luka. Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Book of Abstracts, 70.

171. Živić, I., Dulić, Z., Stanković, M.. Spasić, M., Živić, M., Bjelanović, K., Marković, Z. (2012). Natural food dynamics in bottom fauna and its correlation with carp growth rate in semiintensive production system. I International Symposium and XVII Scientific Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska. Faculty of Agriculture, Banja Luka. Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Book of Abstracts, 239.

172. Spasić, M., Poleksić, V., Stanković, M., Rašković, B., Živić, I., Vukojević, D., Marković, Z. (2012). Potential effects of using selected lines of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) on fish production at Serbia. I International Symposium and XVII Scientific Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska. Faculty of Agriculture, Banja Luka. Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Book of Abstracts, 241.

173. Stanković, M., Lakić, N., Dulić, Z., Živić, I., Poleksić, V., Marković, Z. (2012). Effect of origin and levels of proteins in feed mixtures on weight gain of carp yearlings. I International Symposium and XVII Scientific Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska. Faculty of Agriculture, Banja Luka. Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Book of Abstracts, 242.

174. Stanković. M., Poleksić, V., Lakić, N., Dulić, Z., Živić, I., Marković, Z. (2012): Growth parameters of carp fed mixtures containing different levels and origin of proteins. XV International Feed Technology Symposium “Feed-to-Food”, COST “Feed for Health” joint Workshop. Novi Sad. Proceedings, 34 - 39.

175. Dulić, Z., Lakić, N., Stanković, M., Poleksić, V., Grubišić, M., Bjelanović, K., Marković, Z. (2012): Impact of natural food community structure and biomass on the growth of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in semi-intensive system. Domestication in Finfish Aquaculture, Olsztyn-Mragowo, Poland, Oct 23 – 25 2012, Book of Abstracts, p. 91.

176. Poleksić, V., Stanković, M., Rašković, B., Relić, R., Lakić, N., Dulić, Z., Marković, Z. (2012): Morphological and physiological evaluation of compound feeds for common carp Cyprinus carpio (L.) containing different fat levels. Domestication in Finfish Aquaculture, Olsztyn-Mragowo, Poland, Oct 23 – 25 2012, Book of Abstracts, p. 122.

177. Relić, R., Lakić, N., Poleksić, V., Vučinić, M., Stanković, M., Rašković, B., and Marković, Z. (2012): Welfare assessment in common carp, Cyprinus carpio (L.): Effects of stocking density and feed quantity. Domestication in Finfish Aquaculture, Olsztyn-Mragowo, Poland, Oct 23 – 25 2012, Pracownia Wydawnicza “ElSet”, Olsztyn 2012. p. 115-118. ISBN 978-8362863-31-0

178. Marković, Z., Poleksić, V., Lakić, N., Živić, I., Dulić, Z., Stanković, M., Spasić, M., Rašković, M., Sørensen, M. (2012): Evaluation of Growth and Histology of Liver and İntestine in Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio, L.) Fed Extruded Diets with or without Fish Meal. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (2012), vol. 12 br. 2, str. 301-308

179. Stanković, M., Lakić, N. Dulić, Z., Živić, I., Poleksić, V., Spasić, M., Marković, Z. (2012): Effect of dietary fat level on body dimensions and weight gain of carp. 6th Central European Congress on Food, CEFood2012. Novi Sad. Conference proceedings, 1432 – 1435.

180. Grubišić, M., Dulić, Z., Stanković, M., Živić, I., Bjelanović, K., Spasić, M., Marković, Z. (2012): Importance of zooplankton as live feed for carp larvae. 6th Central European Congress on Food, CEFood2012. Novi Sad. Conference proceedings, 1553 – 1557.

181. Živić, I., Bjelanović, K., Dulić, Z., Stanković, M., Rašković, B., Poleksić, V., Marković, Z. (2012): Significance of carp (Cyprinus carpio) feeding with Chironomidae larvae for meat quality improvement in the semiintensive production system. 6th Central European Congress on Food, CEFood2012. Novi Sad. Conference proceedings, 1570 – 1575.

182. Relić, R., Poleksić, V., Lakić, N., Vučinić, M., Spasić, M., Stanković, M., Marković, Z. (2012): Practical aspects of on-farm fish welfare assessment. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine, 69 (1-2), 21 – 29.

183. Relić, R., Poleksić, V., Rašković, B., Stanković, M., Vukojević, D., Spasić, M., Marković, Z. (2012): Stocking density effects on the water quality and welfare parameters of carp Cyprinus carpio in RAS. AQUA 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, Sep 1-5 2012, Abstracts p.886.

184. Marković, Z., Stanković, M., Živić, I., Trbojević, D., Dulić, Z., Rašković, B., Poleksić, V. (2012): Improvement of carp feeding technology – a reason for increase of carp (Cyprinus carpio l.) production and a chance for increase of carp consumption in Serbia. AQUA 2012, Prague, Czech Republic, Sep 1-5 2012, Abstracts p. 675.

185. Živić, I., Trbojević, D., Živić, M., Bjelanović, K., Stanković, M., Spasić, M., Marković, Z. (2012): The influence of supplement feed preparation on the fatty acids composition of carp and Chironomidae larvae in semi-intensive production system. Domestication in Finfish Aquaculture, Olsztyn-Mragowo, Poland, Oct 23 – 25 2012, Book of Abstracts, 106.

186. Raskovic B., Koko V., Dulic Z., Markovic Z., Vukojevic D., Zivic I., Poleksic V. (2012): Occurrence of rodlet cells and eosinophilic granule cells in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) reared in a semi-intensive system. SEB Annual Main Meeting. 29 June - 2 July, Salzburg, Austria. Abstract number: 13.71.

187. Raskovic B., Markelic M., Spasic M., Markovic Z., Poleksic V. (2012): Acute exposure of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fry to copper sulfate: a histological study. 6th SETAC World Congress/SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, 19-23 May, Berlin, Abstract book 213.

188. Savić, N., Rašković, B., Marković, Z., Poleksić, V. (2012): Intestinal histology and enterocytes height variation in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) grown in cages: effects of environmental conditions. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 28 (2), p. 323-332, DOI:10.2298/BAH1202323S

189. Bjelanović, K., Živić, I., Dulić, Z., Živić, M., Đorđević, J., Marinković, S., Marković, Z. (2013). Water quality assessment in the Raška river based on zoobenthos and zooplankton organisms as bioindicators. Conference proceedings VI International conference “Water & Fish”, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 12 – 14.6. 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 349-357. (

190. Živić, I., Bjelanović, K., Marinković, S., Jovanović, J., Marković, Z. (2013). Production of macrozoobenthos in the Rača River upstream and down stream from trout farm. Conference proceedings VI International conference “Water & Fish”, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 12 – 14. 6.2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 364-371. (

191. Rašković, B., Vukojević, D., Spasić, M., Živić, I., Stanković, M., Marković, Z., Poleksić, V. (2013). Effect of stress on presence of developing nephrons of common carp reared in semiintensive system. Conference proceedings VI International conference “Water & Fish”, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 12 – 14. 6.2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 463-466. (

192. Trbović, D., Marković, Z., Petronijević, R., Milijašević, M., Spirić, D., Vranić, D., Spirić, A.: Multivariate analysis of fatty acid profiles of carp meat during semi – intensive farming. Conference proceedings VI International conference “Water & Fish”, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 12 – 14.6. 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 56-62. (

193. Poleksić, V., Dulić, Z., Stanković, M., Rašković, B., Spasić, M., Vukojević, D., Marković, Z. (2013). Higher education for aquaculture/fishery at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Belgrade: implementation of the first bologna reform – linking theory and practice. Conference proceedings VI International conference “Water & Fish”, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 12 – 14. 6.2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 68-73. (

194. Relić, R., Lakić, N., Dulić, Z., Grubišić, M., Mladenović, V., Marković, Z., Poleksić, V. (2013) Consumers' opinion about effects of rearing conditions and stress on fish meat quality. Conference proceedings VI International conference “Water & Fish”, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 12 – 14.6. 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 141-147. (

195. Stanković, M., Ljubobratović, U., Lakić, N., Dulić, Z., Spasić, M., Vukojević, D., Gruberinić, D., Marković, M., Marković, Z. (2013). Possible replacement of fish meal by soy concentrate in feed for trout. Conference proceedings VI International conference “Water & Fish”, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 12 – 14. 6.2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 227-232. (

196. Ljubobratović, U., Kucska, B., Feledi, T., Poleksić, V., Marković, Z., Lenhadt, M., Rónyai, A. (2013). Combined methods for artificial reproduction of pikeperch, Sander lucioperca. Conference proceedings VI International conference “Water & Fish”, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 12 – 14. 6.2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 261-266. (

197. Dulić, Z., Grubisić, M., Stanković, M., Živić, M., Arsić, L., Marković, Z. (2013). Effects of different organic manures on body size and production of Daphnia magna. Conference proceedings VI International conference “Water & Fish”, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 12 – 14. 2011, Belgrade, Serbia, 358-363. (

198. Grubišić, M., Dulić, Z., Đorđević, J., Bjelanović, K., Spasojević, I., Relić, R., Marković, Z. (2013). Seasonal variations and diversity of Cladocera (Crustacea) in natural, domestic wastewater treatment lagoons. Conference proceedings VI International conference “Water & Fish”, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 12 – 14.6. 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 467-472. (

199. Spasojević, I., Dulić, Z., Grubišić, M., Đorđević, J., Ljubobratović, U., Raičević, V., Marković, Z. (2013). Total coliform and fecal coliform community dynamics in newly built wastwater treatment lagoons. Conference proceedings VI International conference “Water & Fish”, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 12 – 14.6. 2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 473-478. (

200. Marković, Z., Stanković, M., Dulić, Z., Rašković, B., Živić, I., Spasić, M., Vukojević, D., Relić, R., Poleksić, V. (2013). Carp production in service of reinforcement of Serbia agriculture. Conference proceedings VI International conference “Water & Fish”, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade – Serbia, June, 12 – 14. 6.2013, Belgrade, Serbia, 33-38. (

201. Rasković, B., Jarić, I., Koko, V., Spasić, M., Dulić, Z., Marković, Z., Poleksić, V. (2013).
Histopathological indicators: a useful fish health monitoring tool in common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) culture. Central European Journal of Biology 8: 975-985. (

202. Živić, I., Živić, M., Milošević, Dj., Bjelanović, K., Stanojlović, S., Daljević, R., Marković, Z. (2013). The effects of geothermal water inflow on longitudinal changes in benthic macroinvertebrate community composition of a temperate stream. Journal of Thermal Biology 38: 255–263. (

203. Živić, I., Trbović, D., Živić, M., Bjelanović, K., Marković, Z.S., Stanković, M., Marković, Z. (2013). The influence of supplement feed preparation on the fatty acids composition of carp and Chironomidae larvae in a semi-intensive production system. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade 65: 1387-1396. (

204. Bjelanović, K., Živić, I., Petrović, A., Đorđević, J., Marković, Z., Žikić, V. (2013). Agriotypus armatus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) parazitoid na lutkama Silo pallipes (Trichoptera: Goeridae): Prvi nalaz za faunu Balkanskog poluostrva. Simpozijum entomologa Srbije 2013, sa međunarodnim učešćem, Tara, 18-22 septembar 2013, Zbornik plenarnih referata i rezimea, 25 str.

205. Ćirić, M., Subakov-Simić, G., Dulić, Z., Bjelanović, K., Čičovački, S., Marković, Z. (2013). Effect of supplement fees type on water quality, plankton and benthos availability and carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) growth in semi-intensive monoculture ponds. Aquaculture Research, DOI: 10.1111/are.12230 (

206. Živić I., Bjelanović, K., Simić, V., Živić, M., Žikić, V., Marković, Z. (2013). New records of Thremma anomalum (Trichoptera, Uenoidae) from Southeastern Europe with notes on its ecology. Entomological News, 123: 206-219.

207. Dejana Trbović, Zoran Marković, Dušanka Milojković-Opsenica, Radivoj Petronijević, Danka Spirić, Jasna Djinović-Stojanović, Aurelija Spirić (2013) Influence of diet on proximate composition and fatty acid profile in common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Journal of Food composition and Analysis, Volume 31, Issue 1, August 2013, Pages 75 – 81 (

208. Dulić, Z., Ćirić, M., Čičovački, S., Marković, Z. (2013): Effects of different supplemental feed on cladoceran assemblages and carp yearlings in fish ponds. Diversification in Inland Finfish Aquaculture II (DIFA II), Vodnany, Czech Republic, Sept 24 – 26 2013, Book of Abstracts, p.62.

209. Markovic, Z., Stankovic, M., Marković, M.; Dulić, Z., Rašković, B., Lakić, N., Živić, I., Poleksić, V. (2013): Replacement of fish meal by soy protein concentrate in complete feed for carp and effects on carp fry growth. Diversification in Inland Finfish Aquaculture II (DIFA II), Vodnany, Czech Republic, Sept 24 – 26 2013, Book of Abstracts, p.66.

210. Rašković, B., Ćirić, M., Koko, V., Stanković, M., Živić, I., Marković, Z., Poleksić, V. (2013): Influence of different supplemental feeds on liver and intenstine of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in semi-intensive system: a histological study. Diversification in Inland Finfish Aquaculture II (DIFA II), Vodnany, Czech Republic, Sept 24 – 26 2013, Book of Abstracts, p.68.

211. Stanković, M., Dulić, Z., Lakić, N., Živić, I., Rašković, B., Poleksić, V., Marković, Z. (2013): The digestibility of feed mixtures containing different level and origin of proteins for common carp. Diversification in Inland Finfish Aquaculture II (DIFA II), Vodnany, Czech Republic, Sept 24 – 26 2013, Book of Abstracts, p.70.

212. Trbović, D., Marković Z., Petronijević, R., Milijašević M., Spirić, D., Vranić, D., Spirić, A. (2013.) Changes in the proximate and fatty acid composition in carp meat during the semi intensive farming. Tehnologija mesa (Meat technology). Vol. 54. No. 1. Pages 39 – 47.

213. Živić, I., Živić, M., Bjelanović, K., Milošević, Dj., Stanojlović, S., Daljević, R., Marković, Z. (2014). Global warming effects on benthic macroinvertebrates: a model case study from a small geothermal stream. Hydrobiologia, vol. 732 br. 1, str. 147-159 (

214. Poleksić, V., Stanković, M., Marković, Z., Relić, R., Lakić, N., Dulić, Z., Rašković, B. (2013). Morphological and physiological evaluation of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) fed extruded compound feeds containing different fat levels. Aquaculture International, vol. 22 br. 1, str. 289-298 (

215. Živić, I., Živić, M., Bjelanović, K., Spasić, M., Rašković, B., Stanković, M., Marković, Z. (2014). Fatty acid profile in muscles of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) raised in a semi-intensive production system fed with grains, pelleted and extruded feed. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 66 (2): 877-887. (

216. Zorka Dulić, Zoran Marković, Miroslav Živić, Miloš Ćirić, Marko Stanković, Gordana Subakov-Simić and Ivana Živić (2014). The response of phytoplankton, zooplankton and macrozoobenthos communities to change in the water supply from surface to groundwater in aquaculture ponds. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology, vol. 50 br. 2, str. 131-141 (

217. Bjelanović, K., Živić, I., Petrović, A., Đorđević, J., Marković, Z., Žikić, V. (2014). Agriotypus armatus Curtis, 1832, a parasitoid of Silo pallipes Fabricius, 1781: the first record for the Balkan Peninsula. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 414, 9 pp. DOI: 10.1051/kmae/2014016

218. Todorčević, M, Škugor, S., Rašković, B., Spasić, M., Stanković, M., Sørensen M., Kolstad, K., Kittelsen, A., Dulić, Z., Poleksić, V., Marković, Z. (2014): Improvement of Common Carp production in Serbia through EU funded cooperation. EU Project Collaborations: Challenges for Research Improvements in Agriculture. June 2-4, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia. Book of Abstracts, p. 26. University of Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture, ISBN 978-86-7834-197-7

219. Dulić, Z., Marković, Z, Rašković, B., Stanković, M., Spasić, M., Vukojević, D., Poleksić, V. (2014): Improvement of Common Carp production in Serbia through EU funded cooperation. EU Project Collaborations: Challenges for Research Improvements in Agiculture. June 2-4, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia. Book of Abstracts, p. 56. University of Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture, ISBN 978-86-7834-197-7

220. Marković, Z., Rašković, B., Dulić, Z., Stanković, M., Spasić, M., Vukojević, D., Relić, R., Poleksić, V. (2014): Impact of the “ROSA” project on improvement of material and human resources in the area of aquaculture at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. EU Project Collaborations: Challenges for Research Improvements in Agiculture. June 2-4, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia. Book of Abstracts, p. 69. University of Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture, ISBN 978-86-7834-197-7

221. Dulić Z., Živić M., Ćirić M., Bjelanović K., Čičovački S., Grubišić M., Marković Z. (2014): Food or history: What is the prevailing effect on cladoceran communities in neighboring aquaculture ponds? 10th Simposium on Cladocera, Lednice, Czech Republic, Sept 28 - Oct 3 2014, Book of Abstracts, p. 32.

222. Marković, Z., Stanković, M., Dulić, Z., Živić, I., Rašković, B., Relić, R., Poleksić, V. (2014). Possibilities of improving carp production in ponds and pond usage for additional activities. Aquaculture Europe 14, Donostia–San Sebastián, Spain, Book of abstracts, 773-774.

223. Poleksić, V., Marković, Z., Spasić, M., Vukojević, D., Dulić, Z., Stanković, M., Rašković, B. (2014). Intraepithelial macrophages in the distal intestine of common carp Cyprinus carpio L. fed different added feed in semiintensive system. Aquaculture Europe 14, Donostia–San Sebastián, October 2014. Abstracts. p. 1009-1010.

224. Dulić Z., Trbović, D., Stanković, M., Živić, I., Ljubobratović, U., Marković, Z., (2014): Fatty acid composition of white muscle of two-year old common carp reared in semi-intensive system –preliminary results. Food Tech Congress (II International Congress Food Technology, Quality and Safety), Novi Sad, Serbia, Oct. 28 – 30. 2014, Book of Abstracts, p 44.

225. Stanković, M., Dulić Z., Lakić, N., Rašković, B., Živić, I., Poleksić, V., Marković, Z. (2014). Utilization of protein and energy from feedmixtures containing different content of proteins in carp yearlings. Food Tech Congress (XVI International Symposium Feed Techology), Novi Sad, Serbia, Oct. 28 – 30. 2014, Conference proceedings, 147-150. (http://foodtech

226. Relić, R., Ardo, L., Marković, Z., Stanković, M., Davidović, V., Poleksić, V. (2014). Feed quantity effect on carp juveniles plasma protein and immunoglobulin levels. Proceedings of the International symposium on animal science 2014. 23-25th September 2014, Belgrade, Serbia. p. 404-410. (

227. Stanković, M., Dulić, Z., Lakić, N., Živić, I., Rašković, B., Poleksić, V., Marković, Z. (2014). Protein level and efficiency of feed mixture for common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Proceedings of the International symposium on animal science 2014. 23-25th September 2014, Belgrade, Serbia. 465-471. (

228. Živić, I., Trbović, D., Bjelanović, K., Dulić, Z., Stanković, M., Marković, Z. (2014). Evaluation of fatty acid profile of Chironomidae larvae as valuable food for carp fry. 1st Central European Symposium for Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Research (CESAMIR). April 10-13, 2014, Szarvas, Hungary. Book of Abstracts, 80-81 pp.

229. Stanković, M., Ljubobratović, U., Dulić, Z., Lakić, N., Marković, Z. (2014). Possibilities for replacement of fish meal with soy protein concentrate in diets for rainbow trout. VI Internacional conference „ Aquaculture and water ecosystems“. 29-31.10.2014, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Book of Abstracts, p 5.

230. Vladimir Radosavljević, Jadranka Žutić, Ksenija Nešić, Miroslav Ćirković, Dragana Ljubojević, Nikolina Novakov, Zoran Marković, 2014, Značaj ihtioftirijaze u zdravstvenoj problematici riba. Zbornik naučnih radova. XXVIII Savetovanje agronoma,veterinara,tehnologa I agroekonomista. vol.20 (1-4):195-199. Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Beograd.

231. Vladimir Radosavljević, Ivan Pavlović, Jadranka Žutić, Ksenija Nešić, Zoran Marković, Dragana Ljubojević (2014). Razmena patogena između riba iz otvorenih voda i riba gajenih u akvakulturi.ECOLOGICA No 76, Beograd, 2014. Godina XXI str. 733-736. UDC:639.31.09:595.1, ISSN 0354-3285. ISSN 0354-3285 (

232. Vladimir Radosavljević, Miroslav Ćirković, Dragana Ljubojević, Dobrila Jakić-Dimić, Zoran Marković, Jadranka Žutić, Vesna Milićević (2014). Searching for solutions in aquaculture: aquaponics. Archieves of Veterinary Medicine, UDK 619 (051); ISSN 1820-9955, Vol.7, No.2, 71 – 78.

dr Zoran Marković