
Redovni profesor
Prof. dr Aleksandra Martinović

Prof. dr Aleksandra Martinovic besides holding two PhD degrees in the area of food biotechnology- microbiology, has also been engaged in conduction of international programs and being involved in the issues concerning food microbiology and food quality and safety. She worked as a Project Coordinator in various national and international projects and has a significant expert and research experience.

She is currently working at the position of the Director of Centre of Excellence for food safety risk assessment. She is a Project Leader of the first national dietary survey in Montenegro for adult and children population according to the EU Menu methodology, financed by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). During her continuous professional engagement as an expert of Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (UN FAO), she is involved in the issues concerning development of the food safety guidelines for the producers and authorities, nutrition, training of the producers in the area of food safety and development of the food quality standards for traditional food products (e.g. GI protection, quality standardization, etc.). Being engaged as an expert by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH), she is engaged in the analysis and predictions tackling the issues of Smart Specialisation Strategy yin Montenegro (, climate changes and agricultural production and gender equality in the sector.

As Director for Development and Transfer of Technologies at the Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, she coordinated the activities connected to the identification of pathogenic bacteria in the food products, implementation of HACCP and ISO 22000 standards into the food industry, technical-technological projecting of the meat plants according to the EU regulations, implementation of novel technologies and improvement of the existing ones in the meat industry, domestic and EU import and export requirements, food labelling, as well as coordination of research, innovation and education projects. Furthermore, working at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) the focus of her research was microbial genetics, and vitro studying of the survival of bacteria embedded in food matrix, in the human gastrointestinal tract.

She is a Member of the Working Group for the negotiations of Montenegro with EU for the Chapter 12- Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary policy, Chair of the Special Interest Group (SIG) Global Harmonization and of Task Team (TT) Scientific Committees at the European Federation of Food Science and Technology ( She is GHI Ambassador for Montenegro (, Member of the Federation of European Microbiologists and Member of the Montenegrin Microbiological Society. 


Editor-in-Chief- a book printed abroad with international distribution

  1. Ensuring Global Food Safety- Exploring Global Harmonization, 2nd Edition (2022)., edited by: Aleksandra Martinovic, Sangsuk Oh and Huub L.M. Lelieveld, (2021)- ELSEVIER
  2. Aleksandra Martinovic, Marijana Ojdanic (2011) ,,Molekularna biogija i genetika- udžbenik za treći ili četvrti razred gimnazije,, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Podgorica, ISBN 978-86-303-1634-9.

Chapter in the book with international distribution

  1. Aleksandra Martinovic, Slavko Mirecki (2021). Chapter 11 - Food, nutrition, and health in Montenegro, In Nutritional and Health Aspects of Traditional and Ethnic Foods, Nutritional and Health Aspects of Food in the Balkans, Academic Press, Pages 165-186, ISBN 9780128207826,
  2. Pandi, Z., Chukaliev. O., Hagyo, A., Terres. J.M., Ilic, B., Mohr, B., Gavrilova, E., Gjorgjieska, D. P., Stojcheska, A.M., Bogdanov, N., Zorba, P., Salillari, I., Cela F., Zhlima, E., Bukao, E., Voljevica, N., Vasko, Z., Predic, T., Markovic, B., Bajramovic, S., Tahirsylaj, S., Sharku, A., Shlala, I., Alekskovska, N., Mukaetov, D., Knezevic, M., Djacic, D., Pavicevic, S., MARTINOVIC ALEKSANDRA, Vidojevic, D., Vasin, J., Markovic, N. (2019).   Areas with Natural Constraints in South-East Europe: Assessment and Policy Recommendations. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. ISBN: 978-608-4536-06-2.
  3. Bajramovic, S., Bogdanov, N., Butkovic, J., Dimitrievski, D., Erjavec, E., Gkeci. G., Gjokaj, E., Hoxa, B., Stomenovska, I.J., Konjevic, D., Kotevska, A., MARTINOVIC ALEKSANDRA, Miftari, I., Nacka, M., Ognjenovic, D., Rednak, M., Tuna, E., Volk, T., Zhlima, E. (2016). Publisher: JRC, European Commission, Editor: Tina Volk, Emil Erjavec, Pavel Ciaian, Sergio Gomez y Paloma, ISBN: 978-92-79-58014-7.
  4. Aleksandra, Stjepanovic., Huub Lelieveld., Viktor Nedovic (2010). Chapter 13 Food regulations - the need for global harmonization in Food Biotechnology, Food regulations- The need for global harmonization, Aleksandra Stjepanovic, Huub L.M. Lelieveld and Viktor Nedović, In: Comprehensive Food Fermentation Biotechnology,Volume I, Editors- Ashok Pandey, CR Soccol, C Larroche, E Gnansounou & CG Dussap, Asiatech Publishers, Inc., New Delhi, Ch 13, pp 380-395 (2010) ISBN: 81-87680-22-9.

First author:

  1. Martinovic, A., Cabal, A., Nisic, A., Sucher, J., Stöger, A., Allerberger, F., & Ruppitsch, W. (2021). Genome Sequences of Lactococcus garvieae and Lactococcus petauri Strains Isolated from Traditional Montenegrin Brine Cheeses.Microbiology resource announcements10(31), e0054621.
  2. Martinovic, A., Narvhus, J., Abrahamsen, R.K., Østlie, H.M. and Skeie, S.B. (2018), Application of indigenous strains of lactic acid bacteria for semi-industrial production of autochthonous Montenegrin Njeguši cheese. Int J Dairy Technol, 71: 683-692.
  3. Martinovic, A., Brede, M.E., Vegarud, G.E., Østlie, H.M., Narvhus, J. and Skeie, S. (2016). Survival of lactic acid and propionibacteria in low- and full-fat Dutch-type cheese during human digestion ex vivo. Letters in Applied Microbiology 62:404—410. ISSN 0266-8254, doi:10.1111/lam.12561.
  4. Martinovic, A, Moe, KM, Romeih, E, Basheer, A, Vogensen, FK, Østlie, H & Skeie, S (2013). Growth of adjunct Lactobacillus casei in Cheddar cheese differing in milk fat globule membrane componentsInternational Dairy Jornal 31:70-82.
  5. Aleksandra Martinovic, Mirjana Bojanic Rasovic, Bozidarka Markovic, Dusica Radonjic (2012). Ripening profile of semi-hard experimental cheese compared to some commercial varieties. Agriculture & Forestry, Vol 54, 1-4, 61-73.
  6. Aleksandra Martinović, R. K. Abrahamsen, D. Obradović (2006) Biochemical activities of selected strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 22 (1-2), pp. 139-151.
  7. Aleksandra Martinovic, Judith Narvhus. (2006) ‘’Metabolism of the strain Lactococcus lactis spp. lactis (ABO19-2).’’ Prehrambena industrija (Food industry), Vol.17, No. 1-2, pp. 110- 115.
  8. Martinovic Aleksandra, Radulovic Z., Wind, A., Janzen, T., Obradovic, D. (2005). Isolation and characterization of bacterial flora from farmhouse fermented milk products of Serbia and Montenegro, Acta Veterinaria, Vol. 55, No. 4, 307-318.

Lead author:

  1. Ruppitsch, Werner, Andjela Nisic, Patrick Hyden, Adriana Cabal, Jasmin Sucher, Anna Stöger, Franz Allerberger, and Aleksandra Martinović. (2021). "Genetic Diversity ofLeuconostoc mesenteroides Isolates from Traditional Montenegrin Brine Cheese" Microorganisms 9, no. 8: 1612.
  1. Ruppitsch W, Nisic A, Stöger A, Allerberger F, Martinovic A. (2020). Draft genome sequences of five Enterococcus faecium isolates from traditional Montenegrin brine cheese. Microbiol Resour Announc 9:e00353-20.

Other publications

  1. Alkić-Subašić, M. et al.(2022). Antibiotic Resistance of Wild Enterococci Isolated from Travnički/Vlašićki Cheese, B&H. In: , et al. 10th Central European Congress on Food. CE-Food 2020. Springer, Cham.
  2. Lazović, V. Tomović, I. Vasiljević, I. Kecojević, M. Tomović, A. Martinović, T. Žugić Petrović, B. Danilović, D. Vujadinović, I. Tomašević, M. Smiljanićg and V. Đorđević. (2022). The prevalence of cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic in fresh vegetables and vegetables products intended for human consumption in the Republic of Serbia, 2015–2017. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B Surveillance, 15(10): 1-9.
  3. Tomović, L. Pezo, M. Jokanović, M. Tomović, B. Šojić, S. Škaljac, A. Martinović, D. Vujadinović, M. Vukić, I. Tomašević and S. Stajić (2022). Output prediction model for twelve primal and commercial cuts from pork carcasses. Fleischwirtschaft, 7, 78-86.
  4. Cabal, A., Martinovic, A. (2022). Special Issue ‘One Health meets Omics: The way forward to investigate zoonosis’. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 3, p. 1144-1145.
  5. Šojic ́,B.;Tomovic ́,V.; Savanovic ́, J.; Kocic ́-Tanackov, S.; Pavlic ́, B.; Jokanovic ́, M.; Milidrag, A.; Martinović, A.; Vujadinovic ́, D.; Vukic ́, M. (2021). Sage (Salvia officinalis ) Essential Oil as a Potential Replacement for Sodium Nitrite in Dry Fermented Sausages. Processes 9:424. 10.3390/pr9030424.
  6. Tomović, Vladimir; Šojić, Branislav; Savanović, Jovo; Kocić-Tanackov, Sunčica; Pavlić, Branimir; Jokanović, Marija; Đorđević, Vesna; Parunović, Nenad; Martinović, Aleksandra; Vujadinović, Dragan. (2020). "New Formulation towards Healthier Meat Products:Juniperus communis  Essential Oil as Alternative for Sodium Nitrite in Dry Fermented Sausages. Foods 9 8: 1066.
  7. Tomašević, I., Bursać Kovačević, D., Jambrak, A. R., Zsolt, S., Dalle Zotte, A., Martinovic, A., Prodanov, M., Sołowiej, B., Sirbu, A., Subić, J., Roljević, S., Semenova, A., Kročko, M., Duckova, V., Getya, A., Kravchenko, O., Djekić, I. (2020). Comprehensive insight  into  the  human  route  of  food safety  culture  in  Central  and  Eastern  Food Control, 114,
  8. Vladimir Tomovic; Branislav Šojić; Marija Jokanović; Snežana Škaljac; Maja Ivić; Mila Tomović; Igor Tomašević; Slaviša Stajić, Aleksandra Martinović (2019). Mineral contents in pork and edible offal from indigenous pigs. 11 No. 1 (2019): Journal of Engineering & Processing Management.
  9. Vladana Grabež, Milena Bjelanović, Jens Rohloff, Aleksandra Martinović, Per Berg, Vladimir Tomović, Biljana Rogić, Bjørg Egelandsdal. (2019). The relationship between volatile compounds, metabolites and sensory attributes: A case study using lamb and sheep meat, Small Ruminant Research,Volume 181, Pages 12-20, ISSN 0921-4488,
  1. BarjaktarovićLabović,S.,Mugoša,B.,Andrejević,V.,Banjari,I.,Jovićević;Lj.,Djurović,D.,Martinovic, A., Radojlović, J. (2018): Food hygiene awareness and practices before and after intervention in food services in Montenegro. Food Control 85:466-471.
  1. Bojanic Rasovic, M.; Mayrhofer, S.; Ochome, A.A.M.; Ajanovic, E.; Zunabovic, M.; Martinovic, A.; Domig, K.J.(2018) Diversity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional Montenegrin dairy products.Genetika 2018, 50, 465–482.
  1. Despotovic, V. Tomovic, N. Stanišic, M. Jokanovic, B. Šojic, S. Škaljac, S. Kocic-Tanackov, I. Tomaševic, S. Stajic, A. Martinovic , N. Hromiš (2018). Qualität essbarer Innereien von Swallow-Belly Mangalica-Schweinen aus Intensivproduktion – Untersuchungen an Schweinen, die mit 100 kg Lebendgewicht geschlachtet wurden. Fleischwirtschaft, 12, 103-108. (Edible offal quality of Swallow-Belly Mangalica pigs reared under an intensive production system – investigation on pigs slaughtered at 100 kg live weight. Fleischwirtschaft International 5:49-54, in German).
  1. Tomovic, V., Jokanovic, M., Tomovic, M., Lazovic, M., Šojic, B., Škaljac, S., Ivic, M., Kocictanackov, S., Tomaševic, I., Martinovic A. (2017). Cadmium in liver and kidneys of domestic Balkan and Alpine dairy goat breeds from Montenegro and Serbia. Food Addit. Contam.10:137–142.
  1. Bojanic, M., Rasovic, Mayrhofer, S., Martinovic, A., Dürr, K., & Domig, K. J. (2017). Lactococci of Local Origin as Potential Starter Cultures
for Traditional Montenegrin Cheese Production.Food technology and biotechnology55(1), 55–66.
  1. Tomović V, Jokanović M, Tomović M, Lazović M, Šojić B, Škaljac S, Ivić M, Koćic, Tanackov S, Tomašević I, Martinovic A. (2016). Cadmium and lead in female cattle livers and kidneys from Vojvodina, northern Serbia. Food Addit. Contam. Part B. 10:1-5. doi:1080/19393210.2016.1245216.
  1. Bjelanović, M., Grabež, V., Vučić, G., Martinovic, A., Lima, R.M., Marković, B., Egelandsdal, B. (2015). Effects of different production systems on carcass and meat quality of sheep and lamb from Western Balkan and Norway. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 31:203-221.
  1. Stojkovic, S., Grabež, V., Bjelanovic, M., Mandic, S., Vucic, G., Martinovic, A., Håseth, T.T., Velemir, A. Egelandsdal, B. (2015). Production process and quality of two different dry-cured sheep hams from Western Balkan countries. LWT Food Sci. Technol. 64:1217–1224.
  1. Tomovic V, Jokanovic M, Pihler I, Vasiljevic I, Skaljac S, Sojic B, Tomasevic I, Tomovic M, Martinovic A, Lukac D. (2015). Cadmium levels of edible offal from Saanen goat male kids. Procedia Food Sci. 5:289–
  1. Lakićević, B., Martinovic, A., Velebit, B., Lilić, S., Borović, B., Ikonić, P., Janković, V. (2014).  Implementation of classical, molecular biological and immunoenzymatic methods in isolation and detection of Listeria monocytogenes. Food and feed research, 41:19-29.
  1. Davide Porcellato, Hilde M. Østlie, Mona E. Brede, Aleksandra Martinovic and Siv B. Skeie (2013). Dynamics of starter, adjunct non-starter lactic acid bacteria and propionic acid bacteria in low-fat and full-fat Dutch-type cheese. Int Dairy J.
  2. Grigoriy Ternovskoy, Lina Kuznetsova, Alexander Shleikin, Aleksandra Martinovic, Ludmila Oreshko (2013). Application of sour dough in the production of gluten free bread. Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment. 12:355-358.
dr Aleksandra Martinović